Tuesday, September 3, 2013

[Image] Google Auto Complete – Questions that need to be addressed

Here is something 'interesting' about the 'Auto complete/word completion' attribute of Google. The general text-editor feature helps the Internet users with search queries, as and when someone types/writes something to search.

The auto complete feature helps to improve the computer-human interaction and provides better and faster results. Let us look through a few questions found in Google Auto complete (Courtesy: Matt Cutts).

Why not join Web Listings and find answers to some of these?

Questions found in Google Autocomplete

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Report not only SPAM but even recommend quality sites to Google

Why people only report or have tales or information about ‘spam websites’?

If Google asked the Internet community to report spam websites/links after Penguin 2.0 algorithm update, then it again requests everyone to suggest websites that deserve to be ranked on search engines.

Here’s the feedback form to recommend SMALL quality websites that [users think] could do better on search engines.

Small Website Survey

Let us help Google to improve search engine page results. Follow us on Twitter.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

What ‘Google’ Matt Cutts proposes for Gmail account security?

Hackers are on the prowl. What preventive measures your business has taken to secure your Gmail account?

Let us see, what the Google Web-spam team head suggested one of his friends to secure the Gmail account. (Courtesy: Matt Cutts Google)

Matt Cutts on Gmail Account Security -

Matt Cutts of Google on Gmail Account Security after a possible hack

Follow Web Listings Inc on Twitter.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Wonder why search engine ranking took a toll? Perhaps Google took a manual spam action

Not sure, whether your site is still in the Google Index? Perform a site search on Google with your website details (e.g. site:domain.com). If the site does not show up, this indicates that your website gets prohibited for breach of Google webmaster guidelines.

In a case, Google prohibited a website, businesses can request for ‘reconsideration’ after necessary corrections and updates (in accordance with rules and principles of Google) on their website.

After the latest Penguin 2.0 algorithm update, Google has started taking SEVERE actions against all SPAM links on the web, to keep the search engine a ‘less polluted’ and a ‘friendlier’ place for the Internet users.

If your website used to rank earlier and the rankings dropped all of a sudden after the Penguin update, then this is a ‘warning sign’ that Google took manual spam action against your website.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Google Matt Cutts video on Meta Tags

Meta tags to optimize your website for Internet search engines: to own a website is not enough, but to be seen and found out by people should be your primary concern.

This educational video from Matt Cutts (of Google) will help readers comprehend - how much time one should give to Meta tags and the ones that matter.

Follow Web Listings Inc for SEO marketing news and updates.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Link schemes that Google detests and can land your online business in trouble

Know, what all can negatively impact your online business? Here are a few SEO tips from Web Listings Inc to alert businesses that practice unethical way to improve search engine ranking:
  • Do not sell or buy links to increase Page Rank. This includes exchange of money to post or include content that contain links.
  • Say no to excessive link exchange (cross-linking) programs with intent to create a win-win situation, for both parties.
  • Keep away from automated programs and services and the use of keyword-rich anchor text links during article marketing or guest blog post promotions.
Google forbids sites that manipulate links (incoming/outgoing) by any means. Beware!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Blog and forum comments for participation and to establish connection

‘Blog comments’ - how effective are these for search engine page rankings?

Comments, notes on blogs and articles of others, feedback, opinions and reviews do help to establish a relationship with the writer. We can consider this an online ‘trust building exercise’.

The Internet domain is not different from the real-life world, where ‘real communication’ and social relationships matter the most. To create or run a weblog (along with a website) will be a better idea for businesses to stay connected with people.

No wonder, for online success – business enterprises not just maintain websites but also ‘blog pages’, to drive web-traffic through different sources and means.

Why not blog regularly and stay connected with the customer segment, in a better manner?

Some say their blog comments take time for approval (comment moderation). The reasons are obvious – SPAM. Google web-spam team may chase your sites. Thus, try to avoid spam posts/comments by all means and keep search engines less polluted.

Web Listings Inc requests comment on this thread. Thanks.