Monday, March 25, 2013

Relevance is the objective of Google

Unlike before, today the search-engine algorithms are not easy to interpret.

Earlier people used to include keywords here and there on the web page, and that helped with search engines, then. Today, the situation has changed. The search engine giant Google no longer tolerates keyword spamming by any means, to improve web-page ranking.

Today, the mantra for online success is: relevance and quality. The search algorithms of Google evaluate websites on relevance of information. Whether title, or inward links, the algorithm assesses everything to determine the value of the website/page.

Daily millions of people use Google for different searches and queries. More people use Google than any other search engine (Bing, Yahoo, Ask and AOL). Thus, for targeted web-traffic, one should never ignore Google guidelines.

For high conversion rate, the landing page should have relevant and high quality information. Please assess the landing page of your website. Is it relevant for the Internet users?

Now readers can follow Web Listings Inc even on Facebook and Twitter.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Understand the audience, prior to SEO campaign

How People search and what they search on the Internet does matter. No wonder, search engine optimization requires a lot of patience.

It is essential to understand search engine results and analyze web-page ranking factors. One needs to set SEO objective, find the niche and determine the website audience prior any campaign.

Businesses should try to understand the purpose of a site visitor, and aim to provide fresh and relevant content pertaining to their needs.

Whatever be the case - branding, sales, lead generation, direct marketing or online reputation management, a good SEO strategy can help one’s online business.

Hence, identify business competitors and understand market trends, before making an SEO strategy for online marketing campaigns.

Be with Web Listings Inc for SEO marketing tips.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Google Reader (2005-2013)

For Google Reader users, it is time to say good bye to the web feed reader.

Because of declining usage, Google has taken this decision to close Google Reader on July 1st 2013. The web feed reader grew in popularity after the launch on October 2005.

The Internet users which relied on Google Reader, for news and information may now have to look for alternatives.

The latest is the New York based social news website (Digg) plans for a Google Reader replacement.

Be with Web Listings Inc for news and updates from the technology sector.