Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Thursday, May 15, 2014

They wanted “to develop services that significantly improve the lives of as many people as possible”

Larry Page - Google
Larry Page, Google
2013 Founders’ Letter (Excerpts): 

Sergey and I started Google because we wanted “to develop services that significantly improve the lives of as many people as possible” (Founders’ IPO Letter, 2004).  We’ve stayed true to that mission, placing long-term bets on new technologies that users truly love—from Search to Gmail, Maps, Chrome, YouTube, and Android.  We’ve covered a lot of ground in a short space of time and so people naturally ask, what is Google today, and where are you heading?  It’s a good question.

 - Larry Page

For more details:

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Holiday Storefront of today

Nikesh Arora (Google - Senior Vice President, Chief Business Officer)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Google Plus over Facebook: which is more popular?

Never did Facebook – the social networking service provider know that Google will pitch Google Plus against its social networking site and win the Internet customers over.

Founded in 2004 by Mark, Eduardo, Andrew, Dustin and Chris - Facebook as of September 2012 (about a year ago) had over 1 billion active users. Of them, many were fake users [suggest media reports]? Facebook serves the global audience, including ‘under aged kids’ that normally violate the site’s terms of service.

One may want to know, which is more popular: Facebook that launched in 2004 or Google Plus which hit the Internet market two years ago, in 2011.

Just two weeks after the launch, Google Plus reported about 10 million active users and its user base continue to grow than that of Facebook.

Be it blog hosting service, social information processing, networking sites or other products/services of Google – everything with the ‘Google’ label sells like a hotcake.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Old sites rank, even without dedicated SEO?

What to do if older sites rank, irrespective of any dedicated SEO efforts on it? The problem is not new to various online marketing companies that handle different client portfolios.

After Google Penguin 2.0 updates, web-page rankings of many websites took a toll. Some that ranked on Page 1 moved to oblivion. Some online businesses could not even save their businesses, even with organic SEO tactics (including fresh and quality content, long tail keywords etc).

On the other, there are many who did not focus much on SEO, but their websites rank high on Google search engine. One may wonder what to do in such cases – when old sites rank, out of the blue?

In such cases, one needs to: play safe. It is not advisable to tinker with the URL, by any means, except for change in look and feel of the website. Ascertain the site load time. A thought to change the URL structure at this point can be harmful.

In case one wants to change the URL, create 301 redirects to newer URLs/pages.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Is your website down? What about Google page ranking?

Is your website down due to any of the following reasons: browser related issues or DNS (Domain Name System) problems?

Have queries about your website, which was down for a day and doubt if it would affect your search engine rankings? The video (courtesy: Matt Cutts) should be of help. Take a look.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Wavii is already in, and Waze is in the pipeline

After Wavii, Google is on the chase again – and this time after Waze.

The California based company acquired Wavii on 30th April 2013. Mergers and Acquisitions are not anything new to Google as the company gets its hands on just about everything.

This time, Google is after Waze Mobile, an Israeli software company, which is into mobile-route planning software.

The Google-Waze deal is worth about $1.03 billion. Industry sources say Google may finalize the deal any time next week.

Even Facebook was in the race, to acquire Waze. Let us wait and see.

For technology news and updates, stay tuned with Web Listings Inc.

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Monday, April 29, 2013

Google to axe Meebo, for other projects

Every business is here to make profits and it is no wonder that Google has decided to close one more service, which did not generate much interest in people.

After Google Reader, this time Meebo is in the ‘line of fire’. Google plans to shut down Meebo bar publishing tool on 6th June, 2013.

The JavaScript plug-in let the visitors chat with friends and share content on the social network.

The word is that Google wants to focus ONLY on key projects that could help the company generate more profit.

Watch this Web Listings Inc space for the latest technology news and updates.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Google Reader (2005-2013)

For Google Reader users, it is time to say good bye to the web feed reader.

Because of declining usage, Google has taken this decision to close Google Reader on July 1st 2013. The web feed reader grew in popularity after the launch on October 2005.

The Internet users which relied on Google Reader, for news and information may now have to look for alternatives.

The latest is the New York based social news website (Digg) plans for a Google Reader replacement.

Be with Web Listings Inc for news and updates from the technology sector.

Monday, January 21, 2013

SEO takes time to get results

In this IT era, search engine optimization is essential for everyone with an online business. Most often people say – SEO is not working for them, no matter how hard they try to improve search results, on Google or other search engines.

It takes time, and one should have enough patience for real SEO results. For targeted search engine traffic, one should consider submitting website to different business directories of high page ranking.

Rather buying links to improve search results, one should follow ethical SEO link building techniques. Some may think directory submission is a time consuming thought, but high quality web directories help in effective search optimization, and better page ranking.

Every business directory is different, and one should not stick to any standard approach, everywhere. Try to understand unique characteristics of every web directory, prior submitting any business website.

Be with Web Listings Inc for SEO tips and techniques.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Ethical SEO techniques...

Proper search engine optimization and marketing is essential! One needs to be careful, what methods they follow, and resources they use for online marketing, as a wrong approach can make or break their online reputation.

For the people - that are serious about page ranking on Google and other search engines here are some tips:

  • Try to create great 'linkable' content, every time - for the readers; include a Glossary, FAQs, and Testimonials
  • Avoid Spam by doing excessive submissions to search engines and directories; try to take quality relevant websites with better page ranking
  • Instead of generic keywords, try to go for specific and relevant keywords - for targeted traffic
  • Avoid using - same title elements and duplicate content on two different web addresses of the business

Try to be easy on Search Engine Page Results without worrying, and just follow ethical SEO techniques.