Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Web Listings Inc : Services offered

Web Listings Inc, a search engine optimisation company is one among the best that aids clients improve their search engine ranking through sophisticated submission and statistics technology.

What Web Listings Inc does for you?

There are quite a lot of things that Web Listings Inc does for you as a company

  • Web Listings Inc submits client's website URL to as many as 20 search engines. 
  • Clients can be sure of what the company is doing for them as they receive first ranking reports which indicate the position of their websites in the search engines. 
  • By sending out out quarterly reports the company helps indicate to their clients their respective website ranking.

These reports from the company not only allows customers to gain a better understanding about their position but also helps them in attracting new customers.

Search Engines the company works with: 

A few among the engines for which Web Listings Inc currently works are as follows: Google, Aol,Alexa, ScrubTheWeb, ExactSeek, Cipinet, Kazazz, Netscape Search,  InfoTiger, Jayde, Searchsight and Amfibi.

How does Web Listings Inc benefit clients

Services of the company benefits clients by showing them their real-time positioning on the search engines which is the prime-most aspect that most of the companies look forward to.