Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Understand the audience, prior to SEO campaign

How People search and what they search on the Internet does matter. No wonder, search engine optimization requires a lot of patience.

It is essential to understand search engine results and analyze web-page ranking factors. One needs to set SEO objective, find the niche and determine the website audience prior any campaign.

Businesses should try to understand the purpose of a site visitor, and aim to provide fresh and relevant content pertaining to their needs.

Whatever be the case - branding, sales, lead generation, direct marketing or online reputation management, a good SEO strategy can help one’s online business.

Hence, identify business competitors and understand market trends, before making an SEO strategy for online marketing campaigns.

Be with Web Listings Inc for SEO marketing tips.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Google Reader (2005-2013)

For Google Reader users, it is time to say good bye to the web feed reader.

Because of declining usage, Google has taken this decision to close Google Reader on July 1st 2013. The web feed reader grew in popularity after the launch on October 2005.

The Internet users which relied on Google Reader, for news and information may now have to look for alternatives.

The latest is the New York based social news website (Digg) plans for a Google Reader replacement.

Be with Web Listings Inc for news and updates from the technology sector.

Monday, January 21, 2013

SEO takes time to get results

In this IT era, search engine optimization is essential for everyone with an online business. Most often people say – SEO is not working for them, no matter how hard they try to improve search results, on Google or other search engines.

It takes time, and one should have enough patience for real SEO results. For targeted search engine traffic, one should consider submitting website to different business directories of high page ranking.

Rather buying links to improve search results, one should follow ethical SEO link building techniques. Some may think directory submission is a time consuming thought, but high quality web directories help in effective search optimization, and better page ranking.

Every business directory is different, and one should not stick to any standard approach, everywhere. Try to understand unique characteristics of every web directory, prior submitting any business website.

Be with Web Listings Inc for SEO tips and techniques.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Search Engine Friendly URLS

Poorly designed websites can never help anybody, in this era of Internet.

One should provide enough importance to the design of the URL. Search engine friendly URLs play a vital role in web-page ranking as a search engine spider may overlook or fail to index a badly-designed URL.

404 Page Not Found error message is quite common, but not every user may grasp the technical jargon. Hence, the site should either have a search box, or a link to the home page, or a site-map to help out the user, for not getting lost anywhere.

During a 404 page error, never automatically redirect the Internet user to any other page, to avoid confusion.

Stay tuned with Web Listings Inc for SEO articles and news.

Friday, January 4, 2013

SEO white hat techniques

What about refining search terms, with two-to-five-words in a phrase? Confused? We talk about long tail keywords for the SEO campaign.

Long tail (highly specific) keywords draw less but QUALITY traffic than generic keywords, which draw high but not always quality web traffic.

For people that think about keyword stuffing - a method for search engine ranking and page visibility should note that it is no longer a successful tactic, and an unethical practice.

Practice ethical SEO methods only, and avoid unnecessarily stuffing keywords or hiding text from the visitors, by making it invisible or setting in an image background.

Work on RIGHT keywords (most effective ones) related to the product/service one offers, to engage the customers, for long.

For SEO articles and news, stay tuned with Web listings Inc.

Monday, December 10, 2012

SEO tips...

For good traffic to your website:
  • Update old content, of your website. Regular website content Updation is important.
  • Build connections in social networking sites. This helps to build trust with people.
  • Try to give away free content to the users, to download, to use and share with others.
  • Say no to paid links, for search engine ranking. This would never help in the long run. Try for organic/natural inbound links.
  • Think about press releases. Submit website to high quality web directories.
  • Register, and be active on forum discussions. Comment, regularly.

Be with Web Listings Services for free SEO tips and suggestions.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Web design job

Want top search engine ranking, on Google, and other search engines? It requires some patience, and please do not expect immediate high-ranking...

A website is always a joint effort, and one should make sure web designers really understand one's business and customers.

For small-sized businesses, to rely on web-designers for minor changes and updates EVERY TIME is not a workable option, if we consider cost for web design and development.

Therefore, try to seek someone who is always ready with inputs, recommendations and opinions, to help one with subtle changes and updates.

Try to contact your designers for MAJOR changes and updates.

Besides, content is King. So, try to keep website content fresh. Update website content regularly, as this helps in search engine ranking.